Retrotec 6300 - Triple Blower Door System
The 6311 Blower Door System has three Model 6000 Calibrated Fans in one Large Cloth panel door frame system. It will blow large quantities of air to test Commercial, Multi-Family or High Rise buildings. But has 1 hp fans, not ¾ hp fans found in all other blower door systems. In addition to power, the other advantage is speed stability which is near perfect since it uses variable frequency drives to power the fan motors.
The Model 6311 uses the DM32 which is more advanced than any competitive gauge and ideal when running the 6311 manually or fully automatically using a computer and the optional Multi-FanTestic Software. When test fans are separated by large distances, the DM32X is the best choice since it will run over Ethernet cable for essentially unlimited distances. The DM32X WiFi adds the wireless feature that generally is not needed for large setups since wired connections are more dependable but works very well when distances are line of sight.
You may also run automatic data logging from multiple fans, and remote gauge control from a laptop. With our new 5-year recommended calibration interval on the DM32X, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that yearly calibrations are a thing of the past.
Calibrated range configurations allow one fan to test a wide range of enclosures, from super leaky to super tight. This high-output fan includes 9 flow ranges to provide accurate results over the widest range of enclosure volumes. All Retrotec fans are made with extremely durable space-age hard plastic foam, which makes them both lightweight and tough. They are also easily reversible: to switch from pressurizing to depressurizing your enclosure, simply flip the fan around in its panel.
Run only a single Ethernet cable from the test area to the laptop to control your test, no extended umbilicals are needed.
5000/6000 series blower doors DO NOT work with the DM-2 digital gauge
Technical Specifications:
Model 6000 Fan Flow Into: CFM Litres/sec M3/h Max Flow, per fan (60 Hz) Free Air 8,100 3,823 13,762 50 Pa 7,700 3,634 13,082 Reduces values by 15% for 50Hz fan 75 Pa 7,400 3,492 12,573 Minimum Flow: on Included Range B1 50 Pa 95 49 161 on Optional Range 74 50 Pa 37 17 63 on Optional Range 47 50 Pa 21 10 35 on Optional Range 29 50 Pa 9 4 15 Dimensions: 22" (55.9 cm) inlet diameter, 9.75" (24.8 cm) long, 25" (63.5 cm) height Weight: 33.5 lb (15.2 kg) or 35.2 lb (16.0 kg) with Ring A & Plated B8 installed Flow Accuracy: +/-5% Power: 120V@60hz/22.0A or 240V@50hz/10.9A or 110V@50Hz/22.0A Recommended Fan Calibration Interval: 5 years Digital Gauge Model: DM32 WiFi Door Panel and Frame Model: AL266 Type of Panel: Cloth For Large Frame – Triple 1000/3000/5000/6000 Fan Door Panel and Frame Model: AL261 Type of Panel: Cloth For Large Frame – Single 1000/3000/5000/6000 Fan Door Panel and Frame Model: AL260 Type of Panel: Large Frame – Single 1000/3000/5000/6000 Fan Type of Frame: Large Sized Red Anodized Frame Collapsed: 31 5/8” X 59 1/2” (80.3cm X 151.1cm) Expanded: 51” X 109 1/4” (129.5cm X 277.5cm) Frame Thickness: 1.75” (5.3 cm) * The max flow of the fan will vary depending on the following factors:
voltage, frequency, barometric pressure, back pressure, blade pitch, air temperature, bearing tightness, inlet air turbulence